u:scholar - Make research accessible

u:scholar is the University of Vienna's institutional repository where University affiliates can upload their journal articles, working papers, monographs, conference papers and other scholarly materials and make them openly available to others. The platform supports both secondary and primary publication. Documents uploaded to u:scholar are technically being stored in Phaidra where they are also being archived. We archive OA publications processed by the Open Access Office and u:cris-listed OA publications in fully OA journals in u:scholar using standardised workflows.

u:scholar also allows easy compliance with OA requirements of funders such as the FWF. We will gladly assist you if you are not sure whether the upload of certain documents is legally possible or not.

Important notice

  • Please note that document upload to u:scholar is only permitted if you hold the necessary rights (e.g. as granted by the publisher or by other rights holders)! In cases where the legal situation is not unambiguously clear (e.g. there is a CC licence in the article or the publisher website includes a self-archiving policy) we need confirmation that the upload is permitted via e-mail to support.uscholar@univie.ac.at.
  • If you plan on uploading a larger number of publications, please contact us beforehand.

u:scholar features

Fast and easy publication: Publishing your work only takes a few minutes and supports the University's endeavour to store your research output in full.

Permanent URL: Your document can be easily referenced via a permanent link comprising the Phaidra object number (e.g. https://phaidra.univie.ac.at/o:841589). If desired a DOI can be allocated: https://doi-service.univie.ac.at

Metadata import: If your document already has a DOI metadata such as title, author etc. can be imported without additional input.

Embargo management: Should your publisher only allow secondary publication after a certain embargo date you can still archive your document. Access will only be provided after the date you specified.

Usage statistics: u:scholar indicates how many times your contribution has been viewed or downloaded, respectively.

Indexing in scholarly search engines such as BASE. This happens automatically and makes your contribution easily discoverable on the Internet.

Quality assurance: Your input will be checked by the Open Access Office.

Helpdesk: The Open Access Office supports you with any questions or uncertainties that you might have!

If you want to try out u:scholar, you are welcome to test it using the u:scholar sandbox on Campus.