Open Access funding for FWF projects


Starting with 1.1.2024, FWF Open Access funding (for peer-reviewed publications) is no longer being handled by the FWF, but for University affiliates by the Open Access Office.

The FWF programme "Peer-reviewed Publications" was replaced by the so-called "Open-Access Block Grant" on 1.1.2024. This block grant (to be paid annually by the FWF to all Austrian research institutions) contributes to funding OA publications resulting from FWF-funded projects so the FWF Open Access policy can be complied with. For questions concerning the "Open-Access Block Grant" University affiliates may contact the Open Access Office (see sidebar).

Further information on the FWF website:

>> FWF Open-Access Block Grant
>> FWF Open Access Policy for Peer-Reviewed Publications
See also: different OA policies for FWF and University of Vienna


Info for authors (in effect starting 1.1.2024)

While OA funding in connection with FWF projects is processed by the Open Access Office of the University of Vienna, the FWF funding requirements remain in effect! Please find a detailed explanation of all of the FWF requirements here: FWF Open Access Policy for Peer-Reviewed Publications. The following aspects are particularly relevant in connection with UniVie:


Journal in DOAJ or OA publishing agreement

Funding is available for OA charges for articles in Gold OA Journals (Fully OAJ) listed in the DOAJ, or in subscription journals*) offering OA (Hybrid OAJ), provided there is an OA publishing agreement with UniVie.

Funding process for journals included in an OA publishing agreement with UniVie:

No OA funding application is necessary in this case (publishers should recognise eligible authors and proactively offer OA at no charge). Please check our website for detailed OA funding requirements in connection with particular OA publishing agreements.

Funding process for fully OA journals not included in an OA publishing agreement with UniVie:

Starting in 2024 you can apply for OA funding for articles resulting from FWF projects via web form: OA Funding Application FWF. This application should ideally be submitted prior to submission. The last opportunity is at the time of invoicing (no reimbursements!). Applications for reimbursement (PUR applications) from the FWF are no longer possible in 2024!

Tip: Use our Journal Eligibility Check to find out whether OA publication in your desired journal is covered by one of our OA publishing agreements or whether an OA funding application is required.

Note: funding is also available for contributions to edited volumes: OA Funding Application FWF. Outside of FWF projects the University of Vienna still cannot provide funding in this cases. OA funding for entire books remains with the FWF.

*) Closed Access Journals whose content is only available after paying a licence fee.

Corresponding author is affiliated with UniVie

As part of the switch to the FWF Open Access block grant the corresponding author principle will also apply to FWF publications starting in 2024. Corresponding author is the person the publisher is in contact with concerning the article and who is named as such in the publication itself. Co-authors, first authors, last authors or project leaders are not eligible for funding unless they are also corresponding authors. The affiliation of the corresponding author to the University of Vienna at the relevant date will be checked by the Open Access Office (for the relevant date see detail pages for OA publishing agreements or OA funding application form for FWF publications, respectively).

UniVie affiliates are persons as defined in UG 2002 §94 at the relevant date (submission/acceptance/application; for details see funding requirements on our website).

CC BY licence mandatory

Open Access publications resulting from FWF-funded projects must bear the CC BY licence (other licences such as e.g. CC BY-NC or CC BY-ND are not compliant).

FWF acknowledgement mandatory

The following passage must be included in all publications at submission (insertion of the second sentence after acceptance is void):

This research was funded in whole or in part by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) [grant DOI]. For open access purposes, the author has applied a CC BY public copyright license to any author accepted manuscript version arising from this submission.

This passage ensures that publications in Closed Access journals can be published in their accepted manuscript version without any embargo period via Green OA (provided the Rights Retention Statement is accepted as-is and not rendered void by conflicting agreements with the publisher). For additional information see Plan S Rights Retention Strategy.

Additional information for authors on the FWF website: FAQ Open-Access Block Grant. Should you be interested in a presentation on this topic please contact us (see sidebar).