Funding for Open Access publishing

To support authors with OA publishing in scholarly journals the University of Vienna has negotiated OA publishing agreements with 26 publishers. Articles not covered by these agreements can be supported via funding appication. University affiliates1 can publish OA in about 30,000 journals in total:

  • OA publishing agreements: No funding application required. Agreements also apply to publications resulting from FWF projects.
  • OA funding application UNIVIE (OA Publishing Fund): For articles outside of OA publishing agreements not resulting from FWF or EU projects. Only for articles in fully OA journals. Application prior to submission, no reimbursement.
  • OA funding application FWF (FWF OA Block Grant)2: For articles resulting from FWF projects not covered by OA publishing agreements. Only for articles in fully OA journals and for contributions in edited volumes. Application prior to submission, no reimbursement.


Use our Journal Eligibility Check to find out if OA publishing in your desired journal can be centrally funded via our publishing agreements or if a funding application is required.

Please note that there is no central funding available for OA books or OA edited volumes. Funding is possible via the FWF programme for Book Publications. OA funding for individual contributions in edited volumes is only available for publications resulting from FWF projects.

1 University affiliates are defined in UG 2002 §94.

2 Starting with 1.1.2024, FWF Open Access funding (for peer-reviewed publications) is no longer being handled by the FWF, but for University affiliates by the Open Access Office. More information...